

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

my ideal job

My favorite job, is anyone who has relationship with the help to people, but if this includes animals is even more perfect, really, I think it would have to invent something, perhaps the closest thing to this would be the animal therapies, better known as zootherapy, I think is very good for human beings see as through we can help other beings, it is very important that all jobs leave something of ourselves in others, and great societies are built on hard times. I find fascinating the wild mixed with docility acquired by animals trained for this type of organization, besides it is not a lucrative job, but it allows people's spiritual development, and appreciated while this sits with a smile or I ceo improvement that is much more than a little money.
I admire people who give all their knowledge to this vocation which includes my two passions of animals and help others.

I really think is best:)

My favorite web site

My favorite web site is FACEBOOK and I found it a year ago when a friend showed to me. Today it is a very popular website, where you can upload picture, chat with friends, get in touch with people you haven't talked in ages, etc.
I visit this website everyday. In fact, it is so part in my routine, that I don't even realise when I'm visiting it sometimes.
Another reason why I use this web site is to stay in touch with my relatives who are far away, like my antie, who lives in Japan. Thanks to this web site I was able to see and talk with her whole family, and without the need of traveling.
Another great thing that this website has is thousands of different games from sports to games where you have to use your logic. So it is perfect to spend some of your free time.


My photography

My picture elected was taken by my dad ten or eleven years ago, I really like because it represents part of my childhood with my two brothers, the interesting thing is that as we have similar ages. In this picture, in particular, the activity was dress of Hebrews, presumably to "easter" (though not remember very well), so if you remember that day is that we could eat with the hand and each one had to wear a chicken , an uncommon but in the creativity of children is striking.
At this time we were all in the same school and the same activities we participated in interscholastic also each with a gesture demonstrates the personalities we have, and which have increased over the years, displayed at the bottom that childhood is super important for the development of a person's life, closeness with parents, siblings and is the basis for the construction of a future post sociability with friends.

The computer. My favorite piece of technology.

The computer is the most important element of technology today in our lives, becoming one of the fundamental tools for work, communication and personal development, a device that has evolved over time, first giant screen full of code limited to a group of people to a tool of all sizes, almost indispensable.
which I have now, is the last year, I really love him for his efficiency and speed, something that had not previously had, my parents told me if I went to university, would give me one and here's =)!!Clearly, I'm not the only person who uses it daily, both academic and entertainment, but even if, the real tool is Internet is paving the way to a huge list of webs, creating a global connection , the taste for this apparatus is precisely that, having that ability to connect with the world without moving, or find out many things at once without having to dial several phone numbers, reduces the time and to invest it to my liking, in general everything is absolutely everything that my life is, stored in this apparatus, photos, files, documents, music, videos, you can even think that just because you come into the personal computer someone, we could know everything that you like and everything you do, basically everything that person is, the great inventions of the television were created by computer or by a previous staff managed by a computer, without this tool life could have both advantages and enlarge the limited inmaginacion that surrounds today's children and have almost everything done, and much more disadvantages such as limiting our communication is so important todays.